Monday, April 30, 2007

week 1

Well, my parents came to visit about 3 days after we were moved on. We really hadn't even settled in and were/are still trying to figure out just how exactly this whole thing works. So it has been HECTIC as of the first week, but my parents went back home yesterday (mind you, it was great to see them again since it has been so long-- it has just been hectic for moving aboard). Anyhow it seems like it is going to be an awesome life. We are enjoying the heck out of it so far.

We also didn't realize that when we were moving to the town of Charlestown (a neighborhood of Boston-still within the city) we were moving to such an awesome place. While my parents were here we didn't get to spend a ton of time on the boat but we did get to do a lot of exploring. Charlestown looks like such a sweet place. It is all upscale but laid back and just nice. Gaslamp streets and all. Sure beats my old neighborhood in Lansing MI!

We took a ton of pics when my parents were here but they are all on my parents camera, so whenever they get those mailed to us we'll put some online.

more later, I'm sure!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just read a post of yours on, and noticed the name of your boat. what an incredible name. i LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie. have a wonderful day.