Sunday, March 16, 2008

Minor improvements.

Our first haul out is coming sometime in the next two months. We'll be getting bottom paint, new zincs, new thru-hull fittings, our stuffing boxes re-stuffed, new props, and some trim-tab work all done. It will be dang pricey. In the meantime, we've had to stick with little and inexpensive fixes.

Got a cheap piece of formica from the discount bin at home depot. It is solid black with dot imprint pattern, kinda nice actually. We used it to refinish the dinette table (which was the same ol' junk that was on the counter before the tile job) and we also resurfaced the refrigerator (which was the original 1978 yellow plastic painted over 65 times and all scratched up). So those cheap improvements have done wonders to big ugly areas of our boat.

We bought a fruit and bread hammock today so that we can finally stop stowing it all in our microwave haha. What a pain that was to empty the micro every time you want to use it.

And also, our new Airhead toilet-which was backordred- finally arrived a few weeks ago. So far, it works awesome! We've been using it regular and no problems as yet.

I'll get pics of all this stuff eventually. Too busy lately though.

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