Friday, July 11, 2008

a view from afar

Now here is a fun post. When my Father and Grandfather were here a few weeks back we were out sailing in the harbor when our friends Jeff and Kristi spotted us on their way out of the harbor. They live on a big ol Irwin and were motoring out to the outer harbor so they could sail free of the islands and harbor traffic, but they had so much fun they spent two days out there before coming back home haha. In the meantime they snapped some photos as they were passing us.

Thanks Jeff and Kristi! Also, their liveaboard blog can be found at the right side of the page titled "As You Wish" (their boat's name).


Anonymous said...

Madrigal looks good and was quite a find. With the price of fuel skyrocketing, it must be a bit of a relief to be able to still go out boating without being reduced to rice and beans for a month afterwards. Of course, rice and beans are good for you, but so is tasty food once in a while.

Madrigal seems to have a short-footed main. Did the former owner say anything about that being a correction for weatherhelm? Just wondering because a friend of mine has a ton of weatherhelm after adding a big utility arch with Radar, solar panels, wind generator, GPS antennas, kitchen sink, and room for blah blah blah on it. I gave him an axe for his birthday and told him to chop it down, but he's sure it'll look better when it changes colors in the fall.


Justin H. said...

Nay on the weatherhelm. Seems to have been a correction for not enough money to buy a new sail but this too-small sail from a used boat is just fine.

Can't wait to try a full sizer on there one day.

I've been contemplating a solar/wind/radar/sink arch... I'll have to take into account your friend's experience.
