Saturday, November 15, 2008


A previous post, which asked for boat name ideas, generated more response than we've ever gotten for anything on this site. Lots of suggestions, emails, and comments. Thanks!

We might have come up with a name to give our boat in the spring: NOROMBEGA.

So, it may not be the most radio friendly name we can come up with, it is surely simpler than Popol Vuh or Aguirre. At least Norombega can't be mispronounced in too drastic of a way.

Norombega is or was a mythical city somewhere in Northeastern United States. It is believed that it is somewhere in Maine. There are scarce records in early explorer accounts about, of course, a lost city of gold and wealth that was somewhere coastal or just up a river here in New England. That in itself is a cool enough reason for an archaeology student to pick it as a name.

To make it even better though, the entymology of the word is that it was roughly an Algonquin word which meant something like, "calm place in rough waters". Perfect!


Anonymous said...

Cool name, I have to admit, and much better than my 'YOURADHERE' idea I was just mulling over. I know that city by the way, but you can't get there from here, and everyone that does . . . is never heard from again. It's like a Walmart superstore.


Anonymous said...

Cool name. Of course, just for kicks, I may occasionally refer to your boat as "General Noriega." Or something even stupider.

I like how you actually put lots of thought into the boat's not everyone that can name their house!

Glad Jenny is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Hey! What ever happened to Fitzcaraldo?

The Madrigal Crew said...

The Fitz is still here at Constitution Marina. The people who moved aboard it are very nice. We had Thanksgiving dinner with them and some other friends. They are going to keep the boat named Fitzcarraldo. I don't think it'd be right to have two of those roaming about.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the prefect name with a good story behind it...what's in a name?
