Sunday, January 11, 2009

galley work

So we have been making some arrangements in our galley lately. We got tired of not being able to bake, so we got a convection microwave. Only works at shore, but we are tied up most of the time anyhow. Love it so far.

The boat came with an electric stovetop installed, but not cooking at all out at anchor sucks. The boat also came with an Origo 3000 alcohol stove, but it wasn't installed. Well, I spent today moving the electric stove and hanging the Origo on a new set of gimbals so that we have both options readily available. It is also nice cuz our marina charges electric in the winter, so we can use the alcohol then, but electric is free in the summer, so we'll use the electric then. Plus we can cook at sea now! yay!

Still some work to be done. Have to varnish and trim a few things but after that we'd like to resurface all the counter and tabletops with new formica. Time will tell.

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